We've kept ourselves busy trying to update friends and family about our work and travels in Scotland. We thought the best way might be to publish a family blog. I'm a novice and will try my best to get this going with as much flair as I can muster. Please enjoy and leave your comments.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

We recently went to Preston, England for a seminar. We were there with another group of senior missionaries who do the same thing we do at the National Archives in London, England. We had five days together. While we were there we shared a little about ourselves, learned to do our job more efficiently, attended the temple and toured around Preston. It meant a lot to me to be there. Many of my ancestors on my mother's side came to America in 1856 from Preston and the Lancashire area.

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About Me

JT and I have been living in Edinburgh Scotland since September 2009 serving as document preservation missionaries for our church. We will be here until February or March 2011. We work at the National Archives of Scotland. We of course miss our kids and grandkids but are happy for the chance to be here.